
Can All Bungalows Have Loft Conversions?

Just like other house structures, bungalows sometimes have a need for extra space for bedrooms or other activities. In fact, extensions and alterations are very much suited for bungalow structures. So, if you live in a bungalow, your house has good potential to allow you enjoy a lot more ground floor space for a lot of other activities simply by having a loft conversion.

In fact bungalow loft conversions are becoming more popular today, and are even done with ease, according to a specialist in loft conversions in Kent, Carai Lofts (http://carailofts.co.uk/).


What does a bungalow loft conversion entail?

Getting a loft conversion done in a bungalow however requires some care. Usually the pitched/ slanted roof style makes it ideal to utilize some of the roof space into something functional. However it is essential that you consider all the necessary factors before commencing.


The need for stairs in a bungalow

It is important to note that most bungalows are designed to have loft spaces that are merely for storage. By converting the space into a more functional room, it means you would be requiring stairs. And there’s one thing bungalows aren’t designed to have- stairs. So a provision for some usable stairs, which would take up as minimal space as possible, comes as one of the requirements for a loft conversion in a bungalow. This would mean that another room would have to let go of some space in order to make stairs available.


Building regulations and planning permission

In addition, you would need to know what the building regulations in your location entails. The good news is that, for most bungalows, developments and extensions are not so difficult to get approved.

In fact, in most cases, there would be no need for a planning permission for having a bungalow loft conversion. That is, you are basically free to do that.  However, the regulations for any building development must be followed. It is usually advisable to get the services of a loft conversion specialist, so that your conversion doesn’t go against the regulations.

Also, the layout of your bungalow needs to be considered. This would help you know the best way a loft conversion can be done. Bungalows are designed to have just one floor, and the load-bearing capacity of the walls, as well as the foundations might support an addition of more weight. For such a bungalow, a loft conversion might not be really advisable.


Extra costs and requirements might be more complicated

However, this can be solved. You can improve the load-bearing capacity of your building simply by underpinning the internal and external walls. However, many bungalows do not have to bother about this, as they are strong enough to carry more weight.

Also, unlike the old bungalows which had been built since the 50s, 60s and 70s, many bungalows today don’t have the pitched roof style that’s really spacious and suitable for a loft conversion. This does not however mean that modern bungalows can’t have such extensions. It just implies that the amount of space that might be gotten from one bungalow’s loft conversion might differ greatly from another’s.

So, as we can see the fact that a loft extension might seem really like an attractive development, plus the fact that building regulations are not as rigid as they are for multi-story buildings. However, it is important to note that there might be more requirements depending on your type of bungalow you’re developing.

For some bungalows, you need to add dormers to the building, while in some this wouldn’t be necessary. If you have to add dormers, this might require you to get a planning permission, which might take a long while.

Also, for some bungalows, the converted space would not have enough head-space as a result of a short roof ridge. Looking at this, the height that would be left might not be sufficient for a person to stand straight in. This makes it somewhat inappropriate for a loft conversion. However, a solution would be to raise the ridge of the roof to create more height.


Get a loft specialist/engineer to discuss your options

Thus you might require the skills of a structural engineer, and might be more expensive. Of course, it might be inefficient to go yank off your whole roof, and then start re-roofing, just to achieve a loft conversion.

So, looking at the expense, the feasibility and the functionality which would result, it would be advisable to critically understand if your particular bungalow can effectively have a loft conversion.

In all, if you really want to get your bungalow developed to create more room, then you should discuss with a specialist who would check for the possibility and requirements. You should also enquire about the local regulations involved, depending on your specific need.

If you need more information or clarification about converting the loft of your bungalow, click on any of these links:

Bungalow Conversions Need To Know

Bungalow Loft Conversion

Typical Loft Conversion Schedule

Kylie Austin

Kylie is a 26-year-old lawyer who enjoys social card games, eating out and escapology. She is exciting and smart, but can also be very standoffish and a bit dull. She is American who defines herself as straight. She has a degree in law. Physically, Kylie is in pretty good shape. She is average-height with bronze skin, blonde hair and green eyes. She grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. She was raised in a happy family home with two loving parents. She is currently in a relationship with Fletcher Joshua Higgins. Fletcher is the same age as her and works as a legal secretary. Kylie's best friend is a lawyer called Bryn Cummings. They get on well most of the time. She also hangs around with Quinn Davison and Arnold Black. They enjoy stealing candy from babies together.

Published by
Kylie Austin

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