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How Long Does The Flu Shot Last?

How Long Does The Flu Shot Last?

You’ve probably heard people or doctors pushing you to get the flu shot for your health. According to Vitalis Family Medical Practice, a popular Sutherland medical centre, some companies require their employees to get it as part of their contract. This is due to the potential loss of work or fatal illness the virus can cause to people.

So, it’s important for people to take their health into account when deciding whether to get the shot or not. 

So, how long does the flu shot last? Flu shots generally last around 6 months after the injection date. The shot will get weaker as each month passes until the 6 months are done. If you are on top of getting your flu shot, you should get it seasonally so that you can be protected throughout the year.

This article will go into detail on how long the flu shot lasts as well as when you should get it for optimal protection.

Then we will discuss who should definitely get the shot and those who should be wary about getting it or avoid it altogether. Overall, this article should provide you with a lot of helpful information on how long the flu shot lasts. 

How Long Does The Flu Shot Last?  

Flu shots generally last around 6 monthsThe power of the antibodies wanes over time due to its circulation in your system. As well as how the influenza virus changes as it adapts to the yearly flu shots released. This is why flu shots are administered on a seasonal basis so that you can get your next flu shot as your previous shot is leaving your system. 

More doses means more protection. If you get one flu shot for the entire year, you will have less protection from the influenza virus than if you get two shots. You can either get two different types of flu shots at the same time or during different seasons. Getting two different types will protect you against different strains of the influenza virus. 

Trivalent versus Quadrivalent flu shots. Trivalent flu shots have one major strain of the influenza virus within it and often the more prevalent shot available. Quadrivalent flu shots have two strains of the influenza virus and provide more protection to those who get it but are harder to come by unless you go to specific places like the hospital. 

When Is The Best Time To Get A Flu Shot? 

Don’t get the flu shot right away. The flu shot will decrease its effectiveness as each month passes. So, if you get it in August, you are more susceptible to getting the flu during the next season around February through May. Ideally, you should get it when the flu season starts, around the end of October.  

Prepare for the side effects. While the flu shot will not give you the flu, it can give you side effects that you’ll have to deal with. Some of these symptoms are: 

● General aches and pains

● Redness, swelling, or soreness at injection site

● Low-grade fever 

So, when deciding to get the shot, try to plan the time around the side effects. Be sure to plan ahead and take it easy right after getting the shot in case you experience these symptoms. 

Some people are more predisposed to the flu and should get their flu shot seasonally. If you are at an increased risk of getting the influenza virus, you should definitely get your shots on the regular. Some of these people are: 

● People 65 years of age or older

● Pregnant women

● Children younger than 5 years old

● People with health conditions such as asthma or cancer

Some people are not appropriate for the flu shot, such as: 

● Children younger than 6 months of age

● People with acute illness should be treated first before getting the shot

● Severe allergies

● Complications from the vaccine

● Guillan-Barre Syndrome

What’s The New 19-20 Flu Shot Recommendation?

Take the influenza shot appropriate for you. There are various flu shots with different strains depending on what age and condition you are in. Those who are 65 or older are recommended to get both trivalent and quadrivalent flu shots for the best protection due to older age. While younger people are recommended to get only one. 

Getting a flu shot is better than not getting one at all. While quadrivalent shots have both strains of influenza in it, these shots may not be available at all locations. Rather than skipping the shot because you can’t get the quadrivalent one is worse for your health than getting at least the trivalent one. It will protect you more than not getting a shot at all. 

Everyone 6 months and older should get a flu shot. Anyone who can be exposed to the influenza virus should get an annual flu shot for their protection. The virus can be harmful to those who get it, and even fatal to those with low immune systems. Just be sure to check that you do not have any contraindication to the influenza vaccine. 


We’ve discussed how long a flu shot lasts and recommendations about getting it. Hopefully, this article was helpful!